Thursday, February 25, 2010

Real Happiness....

Real happiness lies in that which never comes nor goes; but simply is.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Hot Cup of Tea

My lenten promise is simple. One cup of hot tea a day for the next forty days. (Well...subtract the last six days and I am left with 34 cups of hot tea.)

I labored over what my lenten promise would be this year. In years past I have committed to a daily Bible reading over the forty day period. And while the attempt was valiant, I am almost shamed that I ONLY made the promise for a period of forty days when there are 325 more opportunities to receive God's word. I am proud, and at the same time humbled, to say that scripture has become a part of my daily life through God's grace and His gentle, guiding hand which led me to Bible Study Fellowship. (Thank you, Melanie!) I thought about what I could "take away" from myself in order to better understand "sacrifice." However, the more I thought about the Upper Room Discourse I am currently studying I thought of what Jesus asked us to do. He asked us to "love." (More specifically love one another...but I am focusing on the "love" part!) I decided to do something everyday in a show of "love" and "kindness" towards myself. A hot cup of tea is reward, ritual, rest and respite. And they come with simple sayings as well! Here is one I would like to share with you all...

"You will feel fulfilled when you do the impossible for someone else."

May you each have a blessed evening and consider treating yourself to a quite cup of hot tea. Love yourself a little....we so rarely do! Goodnight....

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fat Tuesday

Today is Fat Tuesday and even though Todd's flamingos live in Dallas they are nonetheless celebrating with masks, beads and Bloody Mary's. Happy Fat Tuesday, friends. I am not sure I know what the true meaning behind Fat Tuesday. I do know it is alway held the day before Ash Wednesday. Perhaps "one last hoorah" before taking on a lenten promise? Whatever the case may be....I hope each of you had an amazing, celebratory day. I know I did! Though simple and routine, today held an equal amount of grace, beauty, kindness, generosity, support...and even a little good news. (Do not ask, I am not at liberty to divulge, yet!) Once again, I was reminded of the many blessings in my life. I am an incredibly lucky woman! God is great!

I am going to sign off because I have MAJOR Olympic fever and I just want to shut down and zone out!

Goodnight, friends!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day....

Happy Valentine's Day, friends!

This the card I made for Mom and Dad this Valentine's Day.

Wishing you all the sweetest celebration of all it's forms!