Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Red + Pink = Equality

Ahhhh....Tuesday!  I woke up every hour, on the hour, in anticipation of the most difficult day of my week.  I was a walking zombie by the time I arrived at work.  I spent the first 4 hours in a heavy haze of frightening presentiment, deflated spirit and general soulful confusion.  Then...I walked outside and the angels pulled back the earth curtain and invited me into the most gorgeous day!  

Today, I am grateful for the following five things:
1) I am grateful for this appearing all over my Facebook feed.  I know some pretty bad ass people.  With each new image that arrived I felt my life has miraculously assembled an extraordinary group of loving, compassionate, secure individuals who are just NOT afraid.  
2) New, Flash-dancy type tees available at Soft Sensuous Moves.  Especially grateful to my boss, Rene' Mulholland for always extending kindness and generosity to her staff.  I soaked that new shirt through in Booty Ballet this evening!
3) The unique vantage point to observe a full moon in my rear view mirror while staring the sunset straight in the eye.  Sometimes witnessing the yin and the yang at the same time takes your breath away and reminds you that polarity exists in nature...perfectly.  
4) Two incredibly kind service individuals wishing me a great day.
5) A voicemail from my daddy.  That's about when the day started to take a nice turn.

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