Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tropical Depression Hermine

Dear Tropical Depression Hermine,

Even though the word "depression" is included in your dubious title, YOU did NOT get me down today because I prepared for YOU! Yes, YOU Hermine, were on my radar long, long ago (yesterday morning) and I stockpiled, I reconnoitered, I gathered intelligence, I strategized (brown vs black and what goes best with the school uniform?), I pillaged, I cut in lines, I weaved in and out of check out lanes in anticipation of your quick moving storm clouds and red and yellow colored rain bands! Today was great, Miss Hermine, mostly because I got to mock your name, but also because I purchased and wore my new wellies! And you know Hermine, hard as you might try to dampen my spirits, in the end I WON because they were 20% off with my work badge at Stein Mart!
Thank you for visiting, Hermine. Because of you I gathered more rain water than I could use in a week and will water my sweet plants that were under shelter all day. We are done with you and wish you well along your merry track.



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